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Investor DNA 06/15/2020 — The top 10 cross-asset correlations to watch
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Dear Reader
The Redemption of Prediction: Goerge Friedman wrote this piece. I read it with tears in my eyes.
Howard Marks is at it again w a new piece. Here it is, listed chronologically with all the rest of his letters.
Read it over and over again: I recently discovered David Perell. This is by far one of the best things I have had the pleasure to read this year. Enjoy.
Crowd Sourcing DD: Our due diligence library is well on its way. It is not done, so please continue to contribute! or you can email me and I will sanitize and post into the library. No attribution (as long as the docs are yours, or public domain, we are good). It has been a fascinating exercise in crowdsourcing. Does this make sense? See the library here.
Death of conferences. Do we really need another conference? This is peak conference. NO MORE virtual fireside chat. call it what is: IT IS A WEBCAST. Make it free and open to all and hope that your brand survives. Agree or disagree?
We could all use something positive: Who Not To Follow
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