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Investor DNA 04/06/2020 — At Risk: The Geography of America’s Senior Population
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Dear Reader
I need help: To those who are in PE (LP or GP) could you suggest sources of the best due diligence processes? I got ILPA, AIMA, and Grenwich Round table’s stored here. Arent there any good sources or best practice documents you are willing to share with the community? Your help is greatly appreciated. I will share the results with those that contribute.
OPEN FIGI? Has anyone worked with Open FIGI? If you havent please take a look. Im interested in your views. Send me an email.
I start my morning by checking these three COVID 19 sites. for Live updates, also here. BEST visual site (spend some time here to play with the charts very rich). And of course NY1. Other interesting articles (especially this one comparing the effectiveness of over 300 cleaning products in killing the virus). To check the peak in your state go here.
Back so soon? Howard Marks has another note out entitled “Which Way Now?.” See it here.
How to work from home. Investor DNA lessons. I have been remote working for 3 years. Checkout last weeks’ DNA all week on resources (or contact me to resend).
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